You Bet Your Life

"Everybody Works But Father"

Verse 1
Every morning at six o'clock
I go to my work,
Overcoat buttoned up 'round my neck
No job would I shirk,
Winter wind blows 'round my head
Cutting up my face,
I tell you that I'd like to have
My dear old father's place.

Everybody works but father
And he sits around all day,
Feet in front of the fire --
Smoking his pipe of clay,
Mother takes in washing
So does sister Ann,
Everybody works at our house
But my old man.

Verse 2
A man named Work moved into town,
And father heard the news,
With Work so near, my father started
Shaking in his shoes.
When Mister Work walked by the house
He saw with great surprise,
My father sitting in his chair
With blinders on his eyes.

Everybody works but father
And he sits around all day,
Feet in front of the fire --
Smoking his pipe of clay,
Mother takes in washing
So does sister Ann,
Everybody works at our house
But my old man.

Verse 3
At beating carpets father said
He simply was immense,
We took the parlor carpet out
And hung it on the fence,
My mother said: "Now beat it dear,
With all you (sic) might and main,"
And father beat it right back
To the fireside again.

Everybody works but father
And he sits around all day,
Feet in front of the fire --
Smoking his pipe of clay,
Mother takes in washing
So does sister Ann,
Everybody works at our house
But my old man.

Il s’agit des paroles exactes de la chanson.
Mais Groucho n’a en fait chanté qu’une partie de cette chanson et avec quelques changements minimes.
Voici les paroles exactes chantées par Groucho lors du Dick Cavett Show du 5 septembre 1969 :

Everybody works but father,
He sits around all day.
Feet in front of the fireplace,
Smoking his pipe of clay.
Mother takes in washing,
So does sister Ann.
Everybody works in our house
But my old man.

Puis il la chante en allemand, ce qui donne :

Alle schaft aber nicht Vater.
Er geht der ganze Tag herum.
Und raucht der verdammte Pfeife,
Das alles geht driblen drum.
Und Mutter nimmt den Vasching
Und auch tut Schwester Ann.
Alle arbeiten in unser Platz,
Aber nicht der alter Mann.